There were three baptisms at Church this morning. We're using a different form for them, with a supplement to the Bulletin, so there is no need to pick up a BCP. It seems like every time I witness a baptism, I think about what it will mean to baptize our child, should we be so blessed. Custom dictates infant baptism, and I've wondered if that's appropriate. I don't have a problem taking away the choice of my child in this matter. My child will have lots of choices made on his or her behalf. I wonder how much sin an infant can have. Not really believing in "original sin," I don't think there is something fundamentally evil or sinful about being human that needs to be washed away. Baptism for me is more of a way of life. I don't mean that I want to be batpized over and over again. I believe in one Baptism, namely Christian baptism. As Fr. John said in the sermon today, we are not baptized into a denomination, but into the Christian faith. Baptism, the ritual washing and annointing, is a one shot ceremony. Baptism, Living in it, is a way of life, a contanst redirection towards God. I don't believe that my baptism shields me from anything. To me, it means that my parents promised to raise me as a Christian, and I suppose that's what it will really come down to with my children. Having my child baptized wil be my promise to raise him or her in the Church.