Cutting Edge
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
  Sanctimonious snicker: Robertson lies about his Chavez comments; claim ... [Media Matters]
I want to break into the control room and studio of the 700 club, and wait for Robertson to break another commandment, or ask people to break a commandment. Then I would cut into the feed with the relevant commandment on a still, printed in a nice gothic script, and read the commandment in my deepest, most authoritative voice, over the loudspeakers.
Robertson has prayed for the deaths of Supreme Court Justices, foreign leaders, and other people who he doesn't like. When did Christ pray for the death of anybody? Who would Jesus assassinate.

And the whole defense of "I didn't say assassination" is a foolish thing to say when you use the word "assassinate." Using a verb, then denying that you used the noun form of that verb, is technically true, but wrong on more levels than one can imagine.

Let us pray that Pat Robertson will return to Christ, and use his immense public influence for good.
Someone asked what Jesus would do about PR and someone else commented Jesus would weep.

First time here.
It's sad but true that Jesus needs a better PR firm than Televangelists.
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I write speculative fiction. I code. I play classical guitar. I am a life-long Episcopalian.

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