Cutting Edge
Friday, January 28, 2005
  SpongeBob is welcome!
The UCC is pretty savvy to take something hateful and turn it into an invitation. I might go and visit one of their churches one day.
I'm sure SpongeBob would be welcome in the Epsicopal Church as well. I know I've seen enough kids with SpongeBob shirts and what not around the child care area.
This of course is in reaction to James Dobson's hateful message about SpongBob "encouraging the idea that homosexuality is not the work of Satan."
Okay, he didn't say that in so many words. Here's what Gary Schneeberger (of the web site), says about it:
While words like "diversity" and "unity" sound harmless — even noble — enough, the reality is they are often used by gay activists as cover for teaching children that homosexuality is the moral and biological equivalent to heterosexuality. And there is ample evidence that the We Are Family Foundation shares — and promotes — that view.

Who would think that homosexuality is the biological equivalent of heterosexuality? Heterosexuality's only biological purpose is to propagate the species. Homosexuality doesn't have that drive,but I've said it before: Homosexual couples provide good homes for children that heterosexuals have thrown away. Think about it.
Morally, I can't say that heterosexuals are more moral than homosexuals on general principle. Who molests children? Who does the raping around here? Heterosexuals.
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