Cutting Edge
Friday, January 14, 2005
  A Call to Something
How can we know that we are Christians?

One of the best answers I've heard (and i heard it second hand) to the question "Are you a Christian?" is "ask my neighbor." It's a great answer and I think it points to the pratical meaning of Christianity more than the doctrinal meaning of Christianity. That's not a bad thing.

I don't think that anyone could identify me as a Christian before I say I am because Christianity has been turned into a characiture of itself by televangelists who say the WTC towers fell because of Gays, or the earthquake is Asia was God's judgment on non Christians. I don't think of this as my (or anyone's) inability to display Christian virtue. I think instead of the sad state many people are in in that they can't recognize good Christian virtue when they see it. It is hidden from them.

The Extreme Right of Christianity is a problem because they get all the media coverage, or at least a majority of it. The other part of the problem is the apparent inability of progressive Christians to stand up and fight. I suspect that many progressive Christians believe that as soon as they stand up and say "Falwell was wrong for blaming 9/11 on gays" or "Robertson was wrong to say that God was punishing the Muslems in Asia" they give up the one thing they do believe is central to their faith: The concept that there are many ways to God and all of them are acceptable.

We need to change that. There are many ways to God and most of them are acceptable. I had a friend who called it 'The Democratic Dilemma.' Democrats accept different views on life. They have a big tent. They disagree with eachother and aim to put respect for others before all else. Republicans say "We're right, you're wrong, and if you criticize us you are the same as us." The same can be said between Progressive and Conservative Christians.

Case in point: When's the last time we accepted human sacrifice to God as a Holy, Sacred, and Good thing? We don't have to accept EVERY path to God, just the ones that are Good according to the progressive definition of Good.

At the dedication of the William J. Clinton library, President Clinton reminded us that 'conservatives set boundaries that should not be crossed, and liberals break boundaries that are no longer necessary or should never have existed.' Progressive Christians need to declare our boundaries and principles and stand up for them.

We can stand up and tell Falwell and Robertson that they are wrong and do it with love towards them and their congregation. We have to defend our position from the conservative christians and from the rabid anti-Christion secularists. Defending who we are is simple: Live as we live. I don't back down from challenges to Christianity, but I don't rise to the bait either.

I get very angry when I hear insulting comments made about Christians. Usually it turns out that the insulting comments are aimed towards traditional Christians. I just get lumped into the group because Progressives are, for the large part, unknown. I try not to return an insult, but I sometimes agree with the true nature of the insult, and correct the insulters thoughts if I can.

We need our own nationally broadcast service and talk show about God and Christianity.
We're on ther same page here. I've been talking about the same thing over at Jake's place the last couple of days.

I'm hearing a lot about folks starting their own radio stations using ipods and the net. Don't know much about it myself, but it's one idea that hit me.
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I write speculative fiction. I code. I play classical guitar. I am a life-long Episcopalian.

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