Cutting Edge
Wednesday, December 03, 2003
In the series Babylon 5, Londo Molari is told that he will have three opporutinites to save himself. One of those moments comes when the Vorlons come to destroy his planet to destroy the Shadow influence. Londo has destroyed the Shadow base on his planet, and killed the Shadow's representative. When Vir points out that Londo was influenced by the Shadows and they did find Londo to be an ally for a while, Londo's love for his home world and civilitation was greater than his desire to live. He tells Vir to kill him, and tell the Vorlons that the Shadows are truly gone.

In this moment of salvation, Londo is not being asked a question. He faces a dilemma, sure, but it is his true character that comes out. Any facade that he has built are torn away in that crisis situation and the Truth about Londo surfaces. Londo is willing to die to save his civilization, despite the fact that Londo knows a few things about his future and they had not happened yet in the story.

Londo's moment is closerl, I think, to how slavation occurs. When the rubber hits the road do you act out of selfish love or higher love? I don't think it happens on any time schedule and I don't think it only happens once, nor do I beleive that it happens to such a great magnitude that it comes down to life or death situations.

We can face these tests almost everyday and not notice them. If we notice them too much and dwell on them, then mental injury is sure to follow.
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I write speculative fiction. I code. I play classical guitar. I am a life-long Episcopalian.

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