I'm still thinking about about the Robinson Ordination. It's a topic that keeps popping up on the
GTNG boards. When I first heard about his election all I knew was that New Hampshire elected a gay man to be their bishop. Not knowing anything about NH or Gene Robinson I immediately approved. I guess because I don't fear the system being challenged by the "new thing."
I did worry about how the conservatives would react, and the reaction was pretty much as I expected it to be: everyone made Robinson's sexual orientation the main thing, well, everyone but Robinson, who worked hard at keeping the focus on God, as a Bishop should. I learned that NH was considered to be a very conservative state politically and religiously, especially the Episcopalians, and if they called an openly gay man to serve, then I fell into the "who am I to doubt them" camp. Actually I was in that camp almost immediately, and learning of the conservarive bent of the area I was further entrenched in that camp.
When the debates started and people threatened to leave the Church because someone else was being "schismatic" I waited for a valid argument against Robinson's ordination. Most simply said it was against scripture, but I haven't seen them produce any evidence. They said it was against the cannons of the Church, but I haven't seen any evidence. I'm still waiting